What topics does the ZEGD deal with?
We, the Central Institution for Equality & Diversity (ZEGD), are happy to advise and support you concerning your questions and concerns about:
... the consideration of gender diversity in your work context
How do I reflect gender diversity in our forms?
How do we design door signs so that everyone feels addressed?
How do I write gender-inclusive news and what should I keep in mind when choosing pictures? ...
... experienced discrimination due to your gender or gender/sexual identity
- if someone persistently refuses to address you in the way that you prefer
- if you are passed over when taking on new tasks because someone thinks that as a woman with children, you can’t do it
- if your colleagues make fun of you for taking parental leave
- if you don’t get the qualification position because someone thinks that you’re about to become pregnant soon anyway ...
... (sexual) assaults in everyday student life / at the workplace
in case of uncertainty due to experienced situations
in case of assaults, e.g., at a university party, via chat, in the seminar... Unfortunately, this can happen anywhere.
in case of jokes about someone’s supposedly provocative clothing (e.g., colleagues, fellow students) ....
... the integration of gender and diversity in your teaching, research and transfer into practice
You would like to discuss this with us? Please feel free to do so!
You would like to network with colleagues who are implementing gender- and diversity-oriented teaching and research?
You would like to discuss gender-oriented perspectives with regard to transferring your research into practice? ...
... participation in staffing or academic search procedures
You don’t know in which cases and how you can involve us? Please contact us as early as possible.
... the exchange of ideas and questions around equality & diversity
We are happy about suggestions, joint actions and participatory shaping of equal opportunities.
We would like to inform you about external help services so that you, as an affected person or a witness, can contact persons that can offer help at any time in the event of a crisis:
Help hotline “Gewalt gegen Frauen” (violence against women)
Those affected, as well as relatives, friends and professionals, can make use of anonymous and free advice and support – in many languages, 365 days a year, around the clock
Telephone advice: +49 8000 116 016
Online advice: https://www.hilfetelefon.de/
Help hotline for pregnant people “Schwangere in Not”:
Contact point for pregnant people to address any questions and fears in conflict situations.
Telephone advice: +49 800 40 40 020
Chat and email advice: www.geburt-vertraulich.de
Advisory service and women’s and children’s shelter, Vechta
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. (SKF), Vechta
Available around the clock
Phone: +49 4441 83838
Email: frauenhaus@skf-vechta.de
Netzwerk gegen häusliche Gewalt Landkreis Diepholz e.V. (network against domestic violence, disctrict of Diepholz):
Advice and shelter for women and girls:
Advice (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) (German Red Cross))
BISS Beratungs- und Interventionsstelle nach häuslicher Gewalt für die Polizeiinspektion CLP-Vechta (BISS advisory and intervention centre after domestic violence for the police station Cloppenburg/Vechta)
Phone: +49 4471 930830
Email: frauenberatung@drk-cloppenburg.de
Central information point for help services concerning violence against women, girls, boys and queer people in Bremen
Advice, help, support and protection
Help for victims of assault (Weisser Ring)
Phone: 116 006
Email advice via: https://weisser-ring.de/index.php?id=3
Kinder- und Jugendtelefon (child and youth helpline): 116 111
Pflegetelefon (care hotline): +49 30 20 179 131
Police emergency: 110
You can find further contact addresses here:https://www.ms.niedersachsen.de/startseite/frauen_gleichstellung/beratungs_und_serviceangebote/
Directory of emergency hotlines, online services and advisory centres for women
Directory of women’s shelters, violence counselling centres, advisory and intervention centres (BISS) and victim support offices in Lower Saxony: