Welcome to the International Office!
The team at the International Office will be glad to help you with any questions you may have about studying abroad and internationalization! Please feel free to contact us with your concerns.
Below you will find the individual contact persons. Please always use our contact form for inquiries to the International Office. You can find the contact form here.
Management & Secretariat
Team: Ways into the world
Exchange Studies, Internships, Staff Mobility, ERASMUS+
Team: Ways to the University of Vechta
International students: Bachelor and Master studies (prospective students), exchange studies, summer schools, alumni, ERASMUS+
DAAD Project FIT
Team: 'Offers for (prospective) students and teachers with refugee or migration experience'
International students: Bachelor's and Master's programs (students), refugees, "Back to School" program, adaptation course for teachers, German courses.
Dr. Katrin Schumacher
Head of the team “Offers for refugees” & “Back to School” ProgrammeEmail: katrin.schumacher@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49 (0) 4441 15 610
Room: R 038
Lea Sophie Schmidt
-Email: lea-sophie.schmidt@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49. (0) 4441.15 158
Room: R 033
Kerstin Abeln
Member of the team “Offers for Refugees”Email: kerstin.abeln@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49. (0) 4441.15 510
Room: R 033
Oleksandra Zhylchuk
AMIF 2023-2025 "Jump the Hurdle!" Equal opportunities on the way to pedagogical and social areas of activityEmail: oleksandra.zhylchuk@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49.(0)4441.15 550
Room: R 033
Dr. Maria Papamichou
Teaching staff for specific tasksEmail: maria.papamichou@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49. (0) 4441.15 761
Room: R 033
Dr. Olena Grybok
Teaching staff for specific tasksEmail: olena.grybok@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49. (0) 4441.15 141
Room: R 033
Freelance lecturers
Evgeniya ChumakHelan Hussein
Email: international.office@uni-vechta.de
Room: R 033
Student assistants
Hannah Riechers, Max Luhn, Morhaf AbazliEmail: international.office@uni-vechta.de
Room: R 033
Future Ukraine (DAAD project)
Ukraine digital (DAAD project)
STIBET (DAAD project)
Internationalization at home
Intercultural projects and events
Dr. Frauke Schumacher
Intercultural projects & eventsCertificate of Intercultural Competence (ZIK)
Vechta International Mentoring Programme (VIP)
Email: frauke.schumacher@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49. (0) 4441.15 437
Room: G-06
Lea Sophie Schmidt
Mentoring programmes for Bachelor’s and Master’s studentsEmail: lea-sophie.schmidt@uni-vechta.de
Phone: +49. (0) 4441.15 158
Room: R 033