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© University of Vechta / Bitters/Wollstein

University Executive Board

The University of Vechta is led by a University Executive Board. The University Executive Board currently consists of the President, the Vice-President for Human Resources and Finance (hauptberuflich = holding primary office in this function), the Vice-President for Teaching and Studies and the Vice-President for Research, Junior Researchers and Transfer (both nebenberuflich = holding secondary office in this function). The members of the University Executive Board are appointed on the proposal of the Senate and with approval of the University Council of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK).

The University Executive Board is responsible for legal supervision of the university’s institutions and the student body.

Foto Dr Marion Rieken

Dr Marion Rieken

Vice President for Human Resources and Finance

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Vice President for Teaching and Studies

Foto Prof. Dr Corinna Onnen

Prof. Dr Corinna Onnen

Vice President for Research, Junior Researchers and Transfer

Front offices and assistants of the University Executive Board

Foto Gabriele Raubart

Gabriele Raubart

Front office of the Vice Presidents

Foto Henning Kreutzhecker

Henning Kreutzhecker

Personal assistant to the President

Foto Jens Niemöller

Jens Niemöller

Personal assistant to the Vice President for Human Resources and Finance

Foto Teresa Boklage

Teresa Boklage

Assistant to the Vice President for Teaching and Studies

Foto Vanessa Ehlert

Vanessa Ehlert

Assistant to the Vice President for Research, Junior Researchers and Transfer