Empirische Sicherheitsforschung (empirical security research)
The doctoral programme I "Empirical Security Research" provides doctoral candidates with sound subject-specific and, due to the management team, interdisciplinary supervision as well as a discussion forum to advance their doctorate in a structured manner.
Professor Doctor Yvette Völschow
email: yvette.voelschow@uni-vechta.de
Professor Doctor Sven Seibold
email: sven.seibold@hs-hannover.de
Soziale Arbeit: Devianz und Kohäsion (Social Work: deviance and cohesion)
This doctoral programme cooperates with the academic subject Social Work in Faculty I of the University of Vechta and the Faculty of Social Work and Health at the University of Applied Sciences Emden / Leer.
Professor Doctor Nina Oelkers
email: nina.oelkers@uni-vechta.de
Professor Doctor Kim-Patrick Sabla
email: kim-patrick.sabla@uni-vechta.de
Professor Doctor Christine Meyer
Sustainability-oriented transformation in rural areas
The college is aimed at all scientists in qualification phases who focus their research on questions relating to the analysis and design of sustainability-oriented transformation processes. A particular spatial focus is on developments in rural areas. The aim of the college is regular exchange, mutual learning (e.g. on methods, concepts and practical research questions) as well as the development of common ideas and projects.
Professor Doctor Paula Bögel
email: paula-maria.boegel@uni-vechta.de
Professor Doctor John Oliver Enger
email: john-oliver.engler@uni-vechta.de
Professor Doctor Christoph Schank
email: Christoph.Schank@uni-vechta.de
Professor Doctor Jana Zscheischler
email: Jana.zscheischler@uni-vechta.de
Doctoral progamme “Digitale Lebenswelten in Dörfern” (digital worlds in villages)
The state of Lower Saxony is setting new objectives with the funding of the programme “Digitale Lebenswelten in Dörfern - Verantwortung und Steuerung der digitalen Transformation“ (digital worlds in villages - responsibility and management of the digital transformation).
BRIDGES – Werkstatt Digitalisierung in inklusiven Settings (workshop on digitalisation in inclusive settings)
Within the sub-project “Werkstatt Digitalisierung in inklusiven Settings” (workshop on digitalisation in inclusive settings', researchers, doctoral candidates and students work together across disciplines and cooperate with regional representatives from schools to explore new structures and strategies for dealing with digitalisation in an inclusive environment.
Professor Doctor Franco Rau
email: franco.rau@uni-vechta.de
Doctoral programme "GINT”
The doctoral programme “GINT – Lernen in informellen Räumen” learning in informal spaces – investigation of processes of research-based learning at out-of-school MINT learning locations and their integration in regional learning contexts) is being organised by the University of Oldenburg in cooperation with the Universities of Hannover, Vechta, Odense (Denmark) and Rethymno (Greece) as well as around 15 out-of-school educational institutions.
Doctoral programme "Animal Welfare”
This doctoral programme focuses on the comprehensive analysis of transformation processes in intensive lifestock production systems. Several partners run the programme jointly, including the Georg-August Universität Göttingen, the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the University of Vechta.
Doctoral programme "Dörfer in Verantwortung”(rural villages taking responsibility)
The doctoral programme “Dörfer in Verantwortung – Chancengerechtigkeit in ländlichen Räumen sichern” (rural villages in responsibility - ensuring equal opportunities in rural areas) is a joint project of the University of Vechta, the Leibniz University Hannover and the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Art (Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen).
BRIDGES – Werkstatt Inklusion (inclusion workshop)
The sub-project “Werkstatt Inklusion” (inclusion workshop) is a research workshop dedicated to heterogeneity and inclusion in (subject-related) learning.
Professor Doctor Marie-Christine Vierbuchen
E-Mail: not at the University of Vechta