The Graduate Centre is directed by an Executive Committee consisting of six voting members of the Graduate Centre
- teaching staff
- doctoral candidates that are a part of either the academic or the artistic staff
- teaching staff for specific tasks
The Executive Committee elects an academic manager from among its members to represent the Graduate Centre. The term of office of the Executive Committee is two years (re-election is possible).
The tasks of the Executive Committee mainly include:
- development, assurance and promotion of the quality standards of the Graduate Centre’s offers
- further development of the interdisciplinary qualification, advice and networking offers
- approval of the proposed recipients of scholarships for supporting junior researchers or other funding acquired by the Graduate Centre
- acceptance of membership in the Graduate Centre (application for membership by Master’s students, postdoctoral researchers and research and higher education managers)
- approval of the financial plan and the annual report
Professor Doctor June H. Park
Academic manager
Professor Doctor Meike Grüßing
Deputy academic manager
Professor Doctor Karin Zimmer
Doctor Olga Siegmunt
Alexander Ristau, Master of Education
Maximilian Hiller, Master of Arts
Professor Doctor Corinna Onnen
Vice President for Research, Junior Researchers and Transfer
October 2019 - June 2021: Dipl. Päd. Linda Wellmeyer (Group of doctoral candidates)
October 2019 - September 2021: Professor Doctor Marie-Christine Vierbuchen (previous Academic manager of the Graduate Centre)
October 2019 - September 2021: Professor Doctor Corinna Onnen (previous Deputy academic manager of the Graduate Centre)
October 2019 - September 2021: Pia Monse, Master of Arts (Group of doctoral candidates)
October 2019 - June 2022: Doctor Laura Naegele (Group of academic and creative staff as well as teachers for special tasks)