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Graduate Centre


Information on the scholarship application

Scholarship holders are selected based on documents submitted in writing. The decision is essentially based on the previous courseand success of studies, the description of the doctoral thesis project and the enclosed assessment by the supervisor (if required in the call for applications).

Presentation of the doctoral thesis project

The appendix to the Graduate Scholarship Regulations (GradFO) gives guidelines on how to formally structure the doctoral thesis project's presentation. In terms of content, however, you should always comment on the following aspects:

  • status of research
  • your preliminary work
  • academic goals of the doctoral thesis project
  • working schedule


  • Funding for students is calculated based on the federal student loan programme (BAföG), i.e., their income and assets as well as the income of their parents or spouse (maximum EUR 744 per month) - plus any supplements for health and long-term care insurance. In addition, scholarship holders receive a monthly flat-rate tuition fee of EUR 300.
  • Doctoral candidates receive a scholarship of EUR 1,350 per month (in the case of funding organisations for talented students and researchers (Begabtenförderungswerke))

Contact persons

  • At the University of Vechta, some lecturers are contact persons for the foundations or funding organisations.


For more information, please send an email to the Graduate Centre.

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Scholarships awarded by the University of Vechta

Get off to a flying start with the Deutschlandstipendium

The German government and private sponsors support talented students of all disciplines to fully commit to their studieshave more time for voluntary work or work on their own projects. The Deutschlandstipendium rewards outstanding academic achievements associated with

  • social engagement
  • voluntary engagement

At the University of Vechta, 358 scholarships (as of the academic year 2022/23) have been awarded since the Deutschlandstipendium was introduced in 2011. 

Scholarships (and academic staff positions) at the University of Vechta are regularly advertised on the university's web page for career opportunities “Stellenangebote”. Please click the button below to view and apply for the latest announcements.

Enrolled doctoral candidates at the University of Vechta can receive six months of payment from a completion scholarship (based on GradFO) in the event of a justified delay in completing the doctoral thesis after a position or scholarship has expired. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Committee for Research and Support for Junior Researchers (KFN). You can find the application documents in the download area.

If you have any further questions regarding this scholarship, please contact the Graduate Centre via email.

Scholarships awarded by the state and federal government

The Research Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) is intended to enable junior researchers to work on a limited research project at a location of their choice abroad, familiarise themselves with new research methods in this context or complete a larger research project.

Contact person at the University of Vechta: Professor Dr Harald Künemund


The Landesstipendium Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony Scholarship) supports students at the University of Vechta. The funding is not based on good grades alone. The following aspects are also considered:

  • social criteria
  • social engagenement both within and beyond the university

In 2020, 53 Lower Saxony scholarships were awarded in the amount of 500 euros each. The application period for 2021 was in October and November.

Scholarships granted by Studienwerke (scholarship programmes)

The Avicenna-Studienwerk supports high-achieving and socially engaged Muslim students and doctoral candidates in all disciplines.

Material and non-material support create optimal conditions for academic qualification, social commitment and personal development. The aim is to contribute to the development of responsible and qualified Muslim personalities and to prepare them for leadership positions in:

  • academia
  • society
  • economy
  • politics
  • culture

Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

The Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) supports particularly gifted Jewish students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines. ELES intends to close a gap in history and promote talent in the Jewish community. In addition to financial support, ELES aims to strengthen the scholarship holders' sense of responsibility and ability to engage in dialogue. They are to be encouraged to help shape the future.

ELES accepts applications based on a suggestion by a university lecturer as well as self-applications.


Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

The Evangelische Studienwerk e.V. Villigst is the Begabtenförderungswerk (funding organisations for talented students and researchers) of the Protestant Church in Germany. It supports students and doctoral candidates of all academic subjects who want to take on responsibility in society with a Christian focus. The scholarship programme focuses on individual support and offers a wide range of opportunities for education and commitment.

Self-applications are possible.


Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

Scholarships awarded by foundations

Doctoral funding from the Cusanuswerk (episcopal scholarship foundation) means:

  • grants and advice for stays abroad
  • special support for families
  • personal support
  • a varied educational and rich spiritual programme     
  • an extensive network of scholarship holders and alumni
  • compatibility with 25% part-time academic positions
  • a high degree of freedom and flexibility



are expressly encouraged to apply if they are studying at an art academy, university or equivalent higher education institution. They will be assessessed by their artistic profile.


Funding for students

Students who have already completed at least one subject-related semester or are beginning their studies in the summer semester can apply for a scholarship within the framework of the selection procedure for students at universities. Students of the applied arts, including

architecture interior Design graphics design film, etc.,

Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

This doctoral scholarship is intended for solution-oriented doctoral thesis projects at German universities:

  • for research topics with high environmental relevance for Germany
  • open to all disciplines
  • main research interests: “Circular Economy” (new) and “Umwelt-soziale Fragen der Energiewende” (environmental/social issues concerning the energy transition)
  • above-average degree required
  • funding period: max. 36 months
  • monthly primary funding: EUR 1,500

Application procedures end on 15 January and 15 June each year.


Funding is aimed at German nationals and people who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification in Germany (Bildungsinländer*innen) in accordance with Section 8 of the German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). The following are eligible for funding in all subject areas:

  • Bachelor's students
  • Master's students
  • doctoral candidates


All applicants studying in Germany must be enrolled at a state or state-recognised higher education institution or university of applied sciences.

The academic project should make a significant contribution to research. In addition, a a high level of socio-political commitment is expected.

Contact person at the University of Vechta: Professor Doktor Karl-Heinz Breier or Professor Doctor Hildegard Theobald

The scholarships in German doctoral programmes are initially awarded for one year. On application, the funding is extended for a further year. As a rule, a doctoral studies is funded for three years. Funding beyond three years is only possible in exceptional cases (due to illness or childcare) for up to one additional year.

Funding is also provided for:

  • workshops
  • trainings
  • seminars

on current academic and competence-oriented topics, such as

  • academic writing
  • presentation of academic results
  • career planning
  • project management

In addition, grants can be offered for stays abroad for research, field and archival work and conference attendance. Funding is also available for students who

  • would like to complete their Abitur (A-levels) or Fachabitur (subject-related higher education entrance qualification) shortly
  • already have their (Fach-)Abitur and would like to study
  • have completed their (Fach-)Abitur as well as vocational training and would now like to study
  • are already in their first semester of study

Contact person at the University of Vechta: Professor Doktor Steffen Wittkowske

The following persons are eligible to apply for a scholarship at the Hanns Seidel Foundation: German students and people who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification in Germany (Bildungsinländer*innen as per Section 8 of the German Federal Training Assistance Act, BAföG) of all disciplines, who are enrolled as regular students at a state or state-recognised higher education institution, as well as pupils who are currently completing their Abitur (A-levels) and who will begin their studies in the next semester after the application deadline.

Graduates whose personality and talent indicate notable academic achievements with regard to a doctorate and significant research contributions are also eligible to apply.

The doctoral scholarship is initially granted for one year. The scholarship holder can apply for an extension of the funding.

Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

The Hans Böckler Foundation's scholarship programme for students and doctoral candidates is the Begabtenförderungswerk (funding organisation for talented students and researchers)  of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB).

The scholarship holders are either

  • studying
  • pursuing their doctorate at a university or university of applied sciences or
  • completing their Abitur (A-levels) or Fachabitur (subject-related higher education entrance qualification) as part of second-chance education

They are active people committed to trade unions, socio-political and social issues and have above-average academic achievements. In addition to the basic scholarship, the following payments are possible:

  • a family allowance of EUR 155 per month
  • a monthly childcare allowance of EUR 150, provided that the recipient has personal custody of at least one child living in the same household

Contact person at the University of Vechta-/-

Since the WS 2021/22, students of arts can apply for a scholarship in the field of visual, applied and performing arts, music, creative writing and digital arts via a separate funding line at the Hans Böckler Foundation. The requirement for an application is existing registration at a German university and an artistic course of study that has already been taken up.

The basis for applying for the funding programme is an online application, the submission of work samples and a selection interview in Berlin.

There are 15 places available per year for students from the fields of visual, applied and performing arts, music, creative writing and digital arts. Applications are requested by the 14th of November 2022.

More information on the application and the programme at:

Each year, the Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,200 students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines and nationalities, studyingat universities, universities of applied sciences or universities of the arts in Germany. The scholarship holders are expected to:

  • have outstanding academic achievements (in studies or research)
  • show social commitment
  • have political interest

In addition, it is desired that the scholarship holders actively engage with the foundation's core values:

  • ecology
  • sustainability
  • democracy
  • human rights
  • self-determination
  • justice

Contact person at the University of Vechta: Professor Doktor Marco Rieckmann or Professor Doctor Gabriele Dürbeck

Folgende Kriterien sollten Promovierende erfüllen:

  • Doctoral candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • an above-average Abitur (A-levels) and university degree
  • the degree qualifying them for a doctorate was completed no longer than five years ago
  • doctoral thesis projects have a clear objective about:
    • the current state of research in a subject area
    • content-related and methodological approaches to successfully working on the topic
    • an exposé which reflects the state of knowledge and academic competence and is also convincing in terms of language and style
    • the doctoral supervisor is familiar with the exposé and the intention of the doctoral thesis
  • they identify with the values, political content and issues represented by the Konrad–Adenauer-Stiftung and are prepared to represent these in society


Information about funding opportunities for student (who can apply, prerequisites, etc.):

students of all disciplines who, concerning their nationality, meet the requirements of Section 8 of the BAföG and who are regular students at state/state-recognised German higher education institutions:

  • at universities of education
  • at colleges of fine arts and music
  • at the FernUniversität Hagen (state distance-learning university; full-time students only)
  • at universities of applied sciences (universities that are funded in accordance with the state higher education acts)
  • students who are enrolled at universities in other European countries (EU countries and Switzerland) or will begin their studies in the next possible semester after the application deadline)

students who are not older than 35 years dual programmes can be funded if applicants are studying full-time at a state or state-recognised higher education institution (this must be proven by means of a certificate of enrolment) applicants for the Journalistische Nachwuchsförderung (JONA) (support for junior journalists): students of all disciplines; application is recommended up to the 4th subject-related semester (Bachelor's degree/Staatsexamen (state examination)) Study stays abroad can be financially supported for up to two semesters. All payments are granted as non-repayable grants. important stays abroad for the doctoral thesis project or artistically oriented postgraduate studies can be subsidised active participation in the extracurricular programme:

  • attendance at the seminars of the KAS
  • participation in organising the seminar programme
  • regular, committed participation in the events of the university groups

exchange with other language and cultural groups the sense of social responsibility is expressed in regular voluntary work in the

  • political
  • social
  • church-related
  • cultural field, or the willingness to intensify such activities again when receiving scholarship funding

Contact person at the University of Vechta: Professor Doktor Peter Nitschke

National and international doctoral candidates from all disciplines (except for the medical fields) can apply for a doctoral scholarship. The prerequisite is an excellent degree and proof of a pronounced social commitment in line with the aims of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. There are different types of scholarships for doctoral candidates, which differ in their requirements. Applicants can only apply for one of the scholarships. For more information on the different types of scholarships, please visit the website of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung by clicking the button below. National and international students of all academic subjects can apply for a study scholarship awarded by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. You have to be enrolled at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany (university or university of applied sciences). Prerequisites for a study scholarship are excellent academic achievements and proof of a pronounced social commitment in line with the aims of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. You have to complete your studies within the standard period of study.

Stays abroad can also be funded:

  • study trips
  • conference visits
  • semesters abroad
  • compulsory internships/placements abroad

The scholarship is granted until the maximum funding period is completed (standard period of study plus possible extension).

Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

The scholarship at the Studienförderwerk (funding organisation for students and researchers) consists of:

    An interdisciplinary support programme with various

  • economic
  • social
  • political topics

in which entrepreneurial responsibility is the central theme and offers plenty of scope for the scholarship holders to help shape the programme.

The application criteria are:

  • grades in the upper third of the grade statistics in the subject area
  • voluntary work, for example:
    • at the university (e.g., Student Representative Council)
    • in an association
    • in a political party
    • in a religious community
    • in a social institution or non-profit organisation (more than passive membership)
    • tutoring, youth work, or the like
  • team player in group work
  • interest in a variety of topics:
    • society
    • politics
    • economy

The regional groups offer location for project development, exchange in peer coaching groups and much more. Extended support through voluntary contact persons at the university campuses.

Contact person at the University of Vechta:-/-

The Studienstiftung (German Academic Scholarship Foundation) sponsors excellent and especially motivated doctoral candidates with a far above-average degree and a academically challenging doctoral thesis project. Every year, approximately 350 new doctoral candidates are admitted to the scholarship programme.

Criteria for application are:

  • an exceptionally challenging and innovative doctoral thesis project that can be completed within a funding period of three years
  • goal-oriented and appropriate supervision of the project and the doctoral candidate
  • a committed and far above-average degree
  • a sustained commitment beyond one's own concerns during the doctoral degree process or during studies, as well as a broad spectrum of interests beyond the subject-specific requirementsThe Studienstiftung also sponsors students whose talent and personality exceed expectations with regard to notable achievements in the service of the general public. In doing so, the scholarship holders help shape society in many different ways.

You can apply for a scholarship awarded by the Studienstiftung or be nominated for one if you:

are studying in Germany

  • at a state or state-recognised higher education institution:
    • university
    • university of applied sciences
    • college of fine arts and music

or if you are completing parts of your studies or your entire studies at a higher education institution in a member state of the European Union (EU) or Switzerland

Contact person at the University of Vechta: -/-

The Joachim Herz Foundation has been awarding fellowships for interdisciplinary research in a nationwide call for applications since 2015.

The fellowships are aimed at doctoral candidates (m/f/d) and postdocs who want to answer biological research questions with the help of interdisciplinary approaches. The aim is to give young academics the opportunity to "think outside the box" and at the same time to network with each other.

To this end, the Add-on Fellows receive up to 12,500 euros over a period of two years for international networking and further training in a different discipline in each case - for example, biologists can immerse themselves in mathematics and modellers in the life sciences. The individually and flexibly adapted funding enables research stays, conference visits, the acquisition of tools such as laptops or software solutions and participation in fellowship meetings. Fellows with children can apply for additional funds to balance family and career.


The application period ended on 7 June 2022. The next call for applications is planned for spring 2023.