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Graduate Centre

Current topics

Relocation of the Graduate Centre

Since 15 February 2024, the Graduate Centre has been located much more centrally in the main building on campus (room A217).

Drop by spontaneously with your concerns,
visit our monthly open consultation hours
or make an appointment, which can take place on site, by telephone or via web conference.

We look forward to seeing you!

Funding for scientists in qualification phases

Starting this year, the Graduate Centre will no longer award funding.

Most of the previous funding lines will be transferred to the funding offer of the Senate Commission for Research and Promotion of young Talents (KFN). The Graduate Centre provides advice in the assessment of relevant applications.

Inquiries, applications, etc. regarding the awarding of funding should now be directed to Vanessa Ehlert, KFN management. Further information on the application process and deadlines will be communicated shortly.

Open consultation hour of the Graduate Centre

On the 17th of July 2024 from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m., the next open consultation hour of the Graduate Centre will take place via BigBlueButton:

Members of the Graduate Centre and interested persons are cordially invited to ask Doctor Julia-Carolin Osada (management of the Graduate Centre) their questions, describe their concerns/needs and find out more about what the Graduate Centre has to offer.

Participation is possible without prior registration.

In addition, individual consultation appointments (on site, by telephone, online) can be arranged at any time.

New writing support / exchange group for doctoral students

Cooperation between the writing support of the Language Centre and the Graduate Centre

A dissertation is not a major master's thesis - in addition to content factors, there are a variety of aspects that make the writing process more difficult:

  • Schedules have to be made again and again and often justified to supervisors...
  • Financing is difficult: the day job eats up time and in the case of qualification positions the teaching obligation calls for...
  • Publications and lectures cost time and nerves...
  • “Lows” (which are quite typical, by the way) have to be overcome…
  • Motivation has to be maintained for a very long time...
  • “Besides” you are in the rush hour of life and perhaps you would like to take care of something else other than this dissertation...


If you're lucky, you can approach supervisors not only for technical discussions, but also if there are difficulties in the writing process or on a personal level.

If you would like support and exchange outside of the supervision relationship, the writing support for doctoral students and the exchange group are the right place for you.

We offer you a safe space to reflect on your work, your writing strategies, your approach and your plans. Simply contact us for the next appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

Newsletter of the Graduate Centre

Information on current services and funding opportunities of the Graduate Centre

Annual Report of the Graduate Centre

Newsletter of the Department of Research, Junior Researchers and Transfer

Further information about funding opportunities, prizes, scholarships and events