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© University of Vechta / Bitters/Wollstein

The University Executive Board Offices of the University of Vechta

Personal assistants and front offices

The personal assistants and front offices support the University Executive Board in terms of content and administration in all areas of university management.

Committee Management

The Committee Management answers your questions about committees, dates, deadlines, resolutions and University Executive Board meetings.

Marketing and Communication

The Marketing and Communication office is responsible for press and public relations, research communication, social media management, web design, alumni management and fundraising and university translations. It is the contact point for the public, media representatives and affiliates of the university.

Legal Affairs

On the web pages of the Legal Affairs office, you will find information on Official Newsletters and data protection as well as the appropriate contact persons.


Appointment Management and Strategic Development

The staff unit is responsible for the appointment management of professors and the strategic orientation of the University of Vechta.

Internal Audit

The Internal Auditing unit is responsible for checking the formal correctness and appropriateness of structures and processes (structural and procedural organisation) at the University and develops suggestions for improvement.



Photo credits: Personal assistants and front offices (Schmidt/University of Vechta), Marketing and Communication (Kreimer/University of Vechta), University Planning and Quality Development (Meckel/University of Vechta), Legal Affairs (pixelkorn/AdobeStock), Committee Management (, Appointment Management and
Strategic Development (Meckel/ University of Vechta), Internal Audit (