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© Project MAPS/Bartels

PJM - accompanying seminar in Educational Studies

The accompanying seminar is designed for all teacher training students who are interested in a stay abroad in the 3rd semester of the Master of Education (mobility window).

The seminar is also suitable for teacher training students who are not planning a stay abroad, but would like to conduct research on the topics of internationalisation, diversity, heterogeneity and inclusion as part of the practical training phase with reference to theoretical approaches and methods of (international) comparative education studies.

The stay abroad is linked to the project phase (PJM) and is therefore integrated in the curriculum. In the seminar, an international comparative research question is developed (1st semester). The students will work on this in the practical training phase (2nd semester) and complete it during the stay abroad (3rd semester), while being supervised online. Research design, collection, evaluation, interpretation of the data and contextualisation of the findings are developed in the seminar.

Education and upbringing is examined and compared as socially constructed (human-made) realities along natio-ethno-cultural alterities (see Adick, 2014; Mecheril, 2003). Objects of investigation are to be related to the compulsory education system and, among other things, to be thematically assigned to possible areas: multilingualism, diversity-sensitive educational work, social (injustice) conditions, global learning.


Presentations of project works

Evaluation of the pjm-Seminars