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With a view to demographic change and the increasing shortage of skilled workers, dwindling resources and climate change, as well as rapid digitization, we pool the interests of our business community and focus our goals on our member companies.

We advocate for our member companies at various levels. For example, we organize training in the IHK professions, offer more than 100 free events for business practice each year, as well as seminars and courses for continuing education. In addition, we are available for initial consultations on legal and tax issues, support start-ups and help on the way to a market-ready product. Political representation of interests is also one of our tasks. By influencing economic policy decisions with the aim of creating good framework conditions for the regional economy, we advocate for our member companies.

The food industry is of outstanding importance for the Oldenburg region and the regional economy. With more than 46 percent of the industrial turnover of our region, it is the economically strongest branch of industry. Its focus is on the districts of Ammerland, Oldenburg, Cloppenburg and Vechta. The sales market is found on a national and international level, with exports gaining more and more importance. Upstream of the food industry and closely linked to it is the agricultural industry, which plays a central role in the development of rural areas. In a joint initiative with other partners, we are working to promote the sustainable development of rural areas.

Against this background, the Verbund Transformationsforschung Agrar is an important network for developing ideas for a future-oriented agricultural and food economy and putting them into practice. The aim is to tackle the many challenges together while ensuring the productivity and competitiveness of companies. We will continue to be involved in this process with great commitment.