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© University of Vechta / Bitters/Wollstein

Certificate Pedagogy of Early Childhood

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Why a Certificate in Early Childhood Education?

The certificate enables access to the profession as a pedagogical specialist in the field of child day care facilities in Lower Saxony - after completing a year of assistance. It allows academics to work in practical pedagogy and to work according to the job profiles.

Why work in a daycare center?

Next to school, day care is the largest field of action in educational science. This was not always the case - but is the result of a dynamic social change that we have been experiencing since the 2000s. In particular, children under the age of three have changed the kindergarten landscape. In these fields of action and research, practical pedagogy and educational research/science are particularly challenged to observe the developments in a plural world, to re-evaluate pedagogical action and to reflect together on what characterizes educational places worth living in. These processes of change are complex and must be dealt with in many voices. For this reason, the system of day care centers for children offers one of the most promising professional fields of the future. Those who want to experience developmental dynamics - can learn this from young children. These experiences from practical pedagogy can then also influence all levels of the daycare center system (expert advice, management, control, administration, science and specialist policy) with an academic degree (bachelor's/master's degree).

What are the basic requirements?

The Early Childhood Education certificate is ideal for combined study with the BACS Education subprogram at the university. It is also suitable for post-qualification from other educational and social science courses.



Anyone who wants to explore the question, "How do we become who we are?" should work in kindergarten.


This is where young children can experience how to make the world their own and learn through mutual exchange. After all, cooperation is considered one of the core competencies of human beings.


Module selection

Variable study: 80 CP are required

*ewb007: The Blended Intensive Program (BIP) "Early Childhood Education" can be studied in an integrated way. This makes it possible to study internationally with fellow students from Finland and Ireland during the semester. At the same time, international perspectives are gained through the field of daycare and these impressions are deepened through a short study visit (5 days): Possibilities of funding through the program ERASMUS +.

For further information please contact the International Office of the University of Vechta:

Open questions?

Gladly to the early education department: Anke König:

Issuing the certificate

The certificate is issued by the Department of Early Childhood Education (Prof. Dr. Anke König) upon presentation of the Transcript of Record.