Dear students,
we would like to apply for the mock recognition together with you as soon as possible. In order to be able to successfully target this in your interest, we would ask you to prepare the necessary documents (i.e. the application for recognition of university-acquired competencies as well as the relevant attachments), i.e. we would like to ask you to send us the mentioned documents completely filled out by email. After a review, if the documents are complete and receive our approval, we will forward them to the examination board.
In addition to the explanations and instructions in the information sheet on the application for recognition of competencies acquired at university, we would also like to ask you to do the following in order to make the process as simple and effective as possible for all parties:
Please enter the requested information in all the fields provided. Make sure to add your digital signature as well. In addition, the proposal to be submitted by you regarding the recognition of the modules of your former institution / former university in concrete relation to the modules of the University of Vechta according to your respective study regulations (see page 2 of the actual application) is particularly relevant. Information on what you have to pay attention to when setting the equivalence of the modules can be found on page 2 of the information sheet on the application for recognition of university-acquired competences; we will be happy to support you in this regard if you have any questions, however, we would ask you to prepare a proposal in any case.
Here you will find the current examination regulations and study regulations for the subject of educational sciences as well as the various regulations in the context of educational sciences and the Master of Education for the teaching profession elementary school as well as the teaching profession secondary modern school; on the basis of these regulations and the relevant module descriptions, you can work out the modules that should be credited to you, taking into account the study regulations and module descriptions of your previous institution / your previous university. Credit can only be awarded if the modules are substantially the same in terms of the competencies targeted (in terms of level and content).
It would be nice if you could send us the mentioned documents collected in the form of a pdf file, structured as follows:
I. First of all, the completed Application for Recognition of Competences Acquired in Higher Education - please without the information sheet on the Application for Recognition of Competences Acquired in Higher Education;
II. Subsequently, the documents acting as proofs (in particular Transcript of Records / grade overview, i.e. the documents from which it is recognizable which modules you have successfully completed in your previous studies and which grades you were able to achieve in this respect).
III. Furthermore, we ask you to compile all relevant passages of the study regulations as well as the module descriptions that are relevant in the context of the recognition, i.e. passages from the module descriptions and study regulations of the University of Vechta as well as of your previous institution / university, and submit them for us.
We would like to point out that further processing of your documents can only be completed if you have submitted all of the above documents in full.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
With kind regards
For more information, please visit the study organization's website.