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Coming to Vechta
Studies, research, short-term stay: We support you on your way to the University of Vechta and during your stay or studies.

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes


The range of degree programmes offered by the University of Vechta is characterised by key profiles in the fields of education and training (Teacher Training) as well as Social and Human Services.


In addition, there is a wide range of programmes from A for Anglistik (English Studies) to W for Wirtschaft und Ethik ("Business and Ethics: Social Business".


Steps before enrolment

Application procedure and deadlines

Please make sure to apply by 30 September. An earlier deadline (15 July) only applies to the degree programmes with restricted admission (German Studies and Natural, Social and Technical Sciences in Primary Education in the Bachelor Combined Studies). For Physical Education/Sports Science, Design Pedagogy and Music Education, please observe the dates of the aptitude tests.

Please apply directly via the application portal of the university (i.e., not via Uni-Assist). You can find details on the application procedure here. If you have any questions about the application process or the requirements, please feel free to contact us.

Preliminary examination of the application documents

Are you unsure whether your school certificate will be recognised for a Bachelor’s degree programme (or whether your Bachelor’s degree will be recognised for a Master’s degree programme) at the University of Vechta?

We are happy to check your certificates in advance.

Language certificate and conditional admission

If you cannot yet provide the required language certificate, but you have advanced language skills (on the level C1), it may be possible (on a case-by-case basis) to be admitted on condition that you provide proof of your language skills at a later date.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Support with the application process

Would you like support in filling out the online form of the application portal?

Please feel free to contact us!

German intensive courses and format training

The International Office offers intensive language courses for prospective students, applicants and students with a conditional admission.

BAföG (federal student loan programme) and Deutschlandstipendium (scholarship for students in Germany)

Lea Sophie Schmidt ( is happy to give you advice on questions regarding BAföG applications and the Deutschlandstipendium.

Offers for students

Advice and support during studies

We are also happy to advise and support you during your studies. Among other things, we offer mentoring programmes, German intensive courses and a Stammtisch (regulars’ table) for international students.

In addition, you can take advantage of the services offered by other university institutions, such as the writing support and the language courses offered by the Language Centre or the services offered by the Central Student Advisory Service and the Career Service.

Please feel free to contact us.


The International Office organises a wide variety of (inter)cultural events and leisure activities. These include the Brown Bag Lunch, during which international students present their home country, international film evenings at the University Cinema Vechta, excursions (e.g., as part of the Discover initiative) and much more.

Campus life: further offers

A wide range of university sports activities for all students as well as the activities of the Church on Campus and various student initiatives contribute to campus life at the university.

Focus: Management and Social Fields of Work


For (prospective) students in the field of management and social fields of work: Our FIT programme supports you all the way: from preparing for your studies and completing your studies successfully until you make your first step into the job market.


Further information

The Coordination of Family-Friendly Universities will be happy to advise you on the compatibility of studies and family and on compensatory arrangements to make your studies more family-friendly.

Further information for prospective students and students with a refugee background (e.g., on language courses, on studying despite lost certificates due to flight and information for Kiron students) can be found here.

If you are interested, you can apply for a room in a hall of residence. Since there may be waiting times, you should submit your application as early as possible. You can find information about the halls of residence in Vechta here.

Alternatively, you can look for a flat with a private landlord/landlady.


Information on scholarships can be found in the DAAD scholarship database.

Students of the University of Vechta can also apply for the German Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium) .

Financial matters

A (one-time) semester fee of EUR 297.60 per semester is charged (as of summer semester 2023). For exchange students is the semester fee 222,66 €. Please note that the semester fees may change from semester to semester. These must be paid in advance before each new semester and are used to re-register students. The semester fee also includes the semester ticket.

In Germany, international students (who are not EU citizens) are allowed to work without a work permit for a total of 120 days or 240 half days per year. Please keep in mind that this income can by no means finance an entire academic year.

Rent costs currently range from EUR 190 to approximately EUR 350 per month. A rent of EUR 220 results in costs of living of approximately EUR 867.

The following list details the monthly costs that will incur while you study at the University of Vechta and is to help you plan your budget. However, the figures are only approximate values, which may vary depending on your own needs. The semester fees are not included here.

Room in a hall of residence (incl. heating, electricity, water)

EUR 282


EUR 235


EUR 55

Health insurance and liability insurance

EUR 125

Study materials

EUR 60

Telephone and internet

EUR 60

Leisure and sports

EUR 50

Means of transport, since you have a semester ticket



EUR 867

The academic year is divided into two semesters:

  • the winter semester (WiSe) from 1 October to 31 March
  • and the summer semester (SoSe) from 1 April to 30 September.

In the winter semester, the lecture period lasts approximately from mid-October to mid-February and comprises 14 weeks. In the summer semester, the lecture period lasts approximately from mid-April to the end of July and also comprises 14 weeks.

You can find the current semester dates here.

Registration & residence permit

Newly arrived students are required to register their residential address at the Bürgerbüro (citizen’s centre) of the city of Vechta. Newly arrived students from non-EU countries also have to apply for a residence permit at the district of Vechta.

Bank account

For smooth and cost-effective payment transactions (e.g., payment of rent and semester fees), we recommend that students open a German bank account (if they do not already have one). Students do not have to pay account maintenance fees at most local banks in Vecha.

Health insurance

German health insurance is generally required for enrolment at the university. There are some exceptions: For students from an EU country, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) is accepted for studying in Germany. (Exception: If you have a part-time job or are doing a paid internship/placement in Germany, you must have a German health insurance.) For students from Turkey, the AT/11 form is recognised for studying.

In Germany, there are statutory and private health insurance companies.

The contribution for statutory health insurance currently amounts to about EUR 100 per month. This covers almost all costs of medical treatments, which are settled directly between the health insurance company and the doctors. This means that you only have to show your insurance card when visiting the doctor and you do not have to advance any money for the treatment. The statutory health insurance companies in Germany are obliged to insure students at the student rate up to their 30th birthday. If you are 30 or older, on the other hand, you have to choose a private health insurance company, as the statutory health insurance company will no longer accept you. We recommend a statutory health insurance, if this is possible for you.
Private health insurance companies calculate premiums based on a health check. If you are privately insured, you have to pay for the consultations yourself, but you will get the money back from the health insurance company when you submit the bill there. Exactly which costs are covered depends on the insurance company.

If you choose private insurance, you will need an exemption for enrolment. This is a certificate stating that the insurance is sufficient. Statutory health insurance companies issue this certificate. Please note that only a few private insurances meet the requirements for an exemption and you cannot rely on the fact that an insurance that was accepted for fellow students a few years ago will still be accepted today.