Before leaving Vechta
Before leaving Vechta, there are some formalities that need to be completed. Please do take care of them well in advance, as some formalities need to be completed already a few months before your departure from Vechta!
De-registration from Vechta
To de-register your address, you need to make an appointment at the registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt). You can make an appointment online or by phone (04441/886-100), or also directly at the registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt) - Burgstraße n. 6, in the Vechta city centre. You can deregister from Vechta one week before your departure at the earliest and two weeks after departure at the latest. In order to do so, you will only need to bring your ID or passport to the appointment at the registration office. You can only de-register by showing up in person.
Termination of your rental contract
According to German law, you need to notify your landlord that you are moving at least three months in advance, unless otherwise regulated on the rental contract. It is not enough to tell your landlord, you will need to notify them in written form (the notification has to be delivered to the landlord's by the third working day of the relevant month-- you might want to use certified mail to do so). Moreover, you should also terminate all other utilities contracts (water, electricity, gas, internet, etc.). If you need help in writing the termination notice, please contact us at the Welcome Centre, we will be happy to support you.
Closing your German bank account
You can close your bank account at any time, but the bank cannot request you to do so more than one month in advance. The procedure to close the bank account will depend on the specific bank, so you should consult the bank website for more information. However, usually it will be enough to notice the bank of your intention to close the bank account through a written letter containing your name and bank account number (as well as of course your wish to close the account). Moreover, on the letter you should indicate another bank account to allow the German bank to transfer possible remaining funds on your other bank account.