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Coming to Vechta
We support you on your way to the University of Vechta and during your studies.

Doctorate and research in Vechta and in Germany

Pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Vechta


Are you interested in pursuing a doctorate at the University of Vechta? We look forward to your project! On this web page, you will find a summary of the most important requirements for enrolling in a doctoral programme at the University of Vechta, as well as a guideline for planning a doctorate at the University of Vechta.


 woman working at the computer

Binational doctorate (cotutelle)


What is a binational doctorate, how does it work and which advantages does it offer? Here you can find out more about it!


Visiting programme: "Global Talents for Local Transformations"


Find out more about the interdisciplinary visiting programme of the initiative “Research in Germany”, which aims to promote a structured research stay at the University of Vechta.


Globe water ball in front of the university building, logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and logo of Research in Germany