Funding opportunities for international researchers
On this page, we have collected information on various research funding opportunities for international students/researchers of the University of Vechta. This includes internal funds awarded directly by the University of Vechta, as well as external funding opportunities offered by other German institutions.
Some of them are general funding opportunities for all students/researchers, others are exclusively addressed to international students/researchers. Thereby, we endeavor to provide an overview of the principal funding opportunities for international researchers. However, we do not provide an exhaustive list of all funding opportunities in Germany. On the website of the Commission for Research and Promotion of Junior Researchers of the University of Vechta, you can find a comprehensive list of funding opportunities (internal and external) for researchers of the University of Vechta in different career phases (you will need an intranet account to access it). On the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) you can find further funding opportunities for international students and researchers.
If you have questions or need guidance in searching for funding opportunities, please contact us at the Welcome Centre.
1. Internal funding
Information on travel grants for doctoral candidates
By actively participating in research conferences and meetings, you can receive important feedback and network with other researchers working in the same research area. As an enrolled doctoral candidate at the University of Vechta, you can receive financial support for this important part of your research activities. You can informally apply for travel grants for active participation in research meetings and congresses at the Graduate Centre.
The application must include the following:
- Proof of active participation (e.g., lecture, poster presentation, moderation or comments on lectures). This can be proven, e.g., by a conference programme, an invitation to a lecture, or a poster.
- Forecast costs (travel and accommodation costs, participation fees and daily allowance, if applicable),
- if applicable, a declaration by the cost centre owner that the remaining costs will be covered,
- a travel expense report has to be submitted after the end of the trip.
⇒ Travel grants of up to EUR 200 or up to 50% of the total costs will be funded at the national level and travel grants of up to EUR 400 or up to 50% of the total costs will be funded at the international level.
⇒ In addition to enrolled doctoral candidates (with supervision agreement), post-docs from the University of Vechta and Master’s students who present their Master’s thesis or research project are eligible to apply.
⇒ Further information is also available on the intranet page of the Commission for Research and Support of Junior Researchers – KFN (only for members of the University of Vechta).
Information on scholarships for doctoral studies (not available at the moment)
Particularly qualified graduates can apply for a scholarship for doctoral studies at the Commission for Research and Support of Junior Researchers (KFN). Application forms are available at the Department for Research Development and Knowledge Transfer. Applicants have to meet the requirements for doctoral studies at the University of Vechta (see “Check the requirements”).
The application must include the following:
- CV,
- brief description of the thesis programme, objectives and academic significance of the doctoral thesis project, status of the own preliminary work (if applicable),
- assessment by the supervisor and external assessment proving that the research project is a contribution to research and that the applicant’s qualifications are far above average.
Funding conditions:
- approx. EUR 700 per month for a maximum of two years
- semi-annual report on the thesis’ status to the KFN
- compulsory participation in inter-university doctoral colloquia
You can find more information on the intranet page of the Commission for Promotion and Support of Junior Researchers - KFN (only for members of the University of Vechta).
Information on completion scholarships (not available at the moment)
If you are about to hand in your doctoral thesis, but your scholarship is about to end, the University of Vechta offers the possibility to apply for financing the final phase of doctoral studies. The application can be informally submitted to the KFN.
The application must include the following:
- curriculum vitae (CV),
- brief description of the scholarship that is about to end and/or the post that is to be discontinued, thesis programme, objectives and status as well as reason for the delay,
- assessment by the supervisor stating that the thesis can be completed within a maximum of six months,
- reasons why funding is needed for continuing with the thesis.
Funding conditions:
- thesis progress report
- a maximum of six months of the maximum amount of funding
You can find more information on this funding scheme on the intranet page of the Commission for Research and Support of Junior Researchers - KFN (only for members of the University of Vechta).
2. External funding
DAAD congress travel programme (for congress trips abroad)
You can apply for funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to replace or supplement internal funding from the Graduate Centre or your research institute. The DAAD congress travel programme promotes active participation in congresses abroad. This programme is aimed at German researchers or international researchers whose long-term centre of life is in Germany. Hence, if you are an international doctoral candidate at the University of Vechta, you may apply for this funding programme. If, however, you are an exchange doctoral candidate at the University of Vechta and your primary centre of life is abroad, your application will not be considered.
Please check the application requirements and selection criteria carefully before applying for this DAAD funding.
⇒ You have to apply for this funding programme at least four months (120 days) before the start of the congress. Later applications will not be considered.
⇒ As there is often no official confirmation or invitation to the congress at that point in time, these can also be submitted later, at the latest one month (30 days) before the congress begins.
⇒ You can apply via the online portal of the DAAD. The application process is relatively time-consuming. Please scrutinise the application procedure page and collect the necessary documents in good time.
⇒ Please note: For lecture tours other than conferences and congresses, you can apply for the DAAD lecture tour programme.
DAAD scholarship for international doctoral candidates
If you are interested in doctoral studies at the University of Vechta and you are dependent on external funding, you can apply for a DAAD scholarship for doctoral studies as an international junior researcher. The prerequisite for application is that your studies (Master’s, Diplom or, in exceptional cases, Bachelor’s) must have been completed at the time the scholarship starts.
The application procedure varies according to the country of origin. Please check the DAAD web page for information on the exact application steps.
General conditions:
- Funding is provided for an individual project under the supervision of a lecturer or for doctoral studies within the framework of a doctoral programme (e.g., Promotionskolleg, graduate school).
- The maximum duration of the grant is four years. Successful applicants initially receive a one-year scholarship which can be extended up to three times.
- Research phases outside of Germany can be funded if they are essential for the successful completion of the doctorate and do not exceed one quarter of the total funding period.
Scholarship payments:
- monthly scholarship rates of EUR 1,200 for doctoral candidates
- health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits
- Travel grants and one-off research grant
Bi-nationally supervised doctorate - DAAD
If you would like to have a more intensive exchange with the University of Vechta during your doctoral studies at your home university, you can aim for a bi-national doctorate. The DAAD offers specific funding for bi-nationally supervised doctoral degree processes that simultaneously take place at a German and a foreign university. There are two different possibilities:
In a sandwich doctorate, the doctoral thesis is supervised by one supervisor in Germany (in this case at the University of Vechta) and one supervisor at the home university abroad. Several stays at the German university are part of the programme. The German supervisor is involved in the completion of the doctorate, but the doctoral degree is awarded by the home university.
In a Cotutelle programme, the German and the foreign university conclude a cooperation agreement on the individual doctoral thesis project. The doctoral degree is awarded jointly by the two universities.
For more information on application requirements, please check the relevant DAAD page.
Scholarship payments:
- monthly scholarship rate for doctoral candidates during their stay in Germany: EUR 1,200
- health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits
- travel grants
- one-off research grant
- travel and accommodation expenses for the supervising lecturers
additional benefits (see here)
German Foundations:
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation supports junior researchers with above-average performance, socio-political commitment and a wide range of interests in their doctoral studies. The application deadlines are 15 January and 15 July each year. You can find the exact application guidelines here. You can apply via the respective International Office if you are abroad at the time of your application or, if you are already in Germany, directly via the selection procedure of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- You are admitted to doctoral studies at a state or state-recognised German higher education institution
- You have an above-average degree
- The degree was completed no more than 5 years ago
- You are not older than 30 years at the time of application
- You identify with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
- You engage in voluntary work
- You have very good German language skills (at least level C1)
- You have a long-term right of residence in Germany
Scholarship payments:
- EUR 1350 per month, plus EUR 100 research allowance and other supplements if applicable
- stays abroad that are relevant to the doctoral project can be subsidised
- individual, trustworthy support and advice on professional and personal questions and problems
- participation in a university group with like-minded people
- accompanying doctoral programme and much more
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation supports international doctoral candidates with an above-average degree and a strong social commitment with a doctoral scholarship. You can apply at any time.
- You are admitted to doctoral studies at a German university without further conditions
- You have very good academic achievements
- You can demonstrate voluntary socio-political commitment
- You have very good German language skills (level C1)
Scholarship payments:
- EUR 1200 per month for two, maximum three years (or longer in justified exceptional cases)
- other advantages, such as professional contacts, networking in university groups and working groups, participation in a scholarship buddy programme, etc.
The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung awards various doctoral scholarships. Please note, however, that you can only apply for one scholarship. An outstanding degree and proof of a strong social commitment are prerequisites for all doctoral scholarships from this foundation. It is not possible to postpone the start of the scholarship.
Scholarship for doctoral studies
This scholarship is open to both German and international doctoral candidates. You can apply for this scholarship if you are an international doctoral candidate and have been admitted to a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany or you are planning a longer research stay in Germany during your doctoral studies.
Scholarship payments:
- The standard duration is two years and it can be extended twice at most for half a year each time
- Other funding is credited against the scholarship
- Approx. EUR 1350 per month, plus a research allowance of EUR 100 per month and, if applicable, supplements for health insurance
- Funding for stays abroad (research stays or similar) is possible
- No double funding, no doctoral degree scholarship, no funding for doctoral studies alongside gainful employment
Scholarship for international doctoral candidates
International doctoral candidates who are coming to Germany for doctoral studies or for a research stay as part of their doctoral studies can apply for this scholarship.
- You are admitted to a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany or abroad
- You are supervised by a lecturer in Germany
- You have a very good university degree
- You are socially committed in accordance with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation principles
- You have very good German language skills (at least level B2)
- If you were previously funded by another institution, this funding period must not have been longer than two years.
Scholarship payments:
- The funding period is two years in the case of doctoral studies at a German university; an extension is possible in exceptional cases.
- If you have already received funding from another institution, this funding will be credited against the funding from the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
- Funding for doctoral studies alongside gainful employment is not possible.
- The funding period for a research stay in Germany as part of doctoral studies at a university abroad depends on the duration of the stay, up to a maximum of two years. An extension is possible.
- You cannot receive funding for stays in your home country or in third countries.
- EUR 1200 per month, plus a mobility allowance of EUR 100 and an additional allowance of EUR 20
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung distinguishes between two scholarships: the BMBF Promotionsförderung (doctoral scholarship of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and the AA Promotionsförderung (doctoral scholarship of the Federal Foreign Office). The BMBF Promotionsförderung is aimed at German nationals / people who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification in Germany as well as EU nationals, while the AA Promotionsförderung is aimed at people from outside the EU who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification abroad and who are in Germany to complete their doctorate.
For both scholarships, the application deadlines are 1 March and 1 September 2021. Further information on the application can be found here.
- You are admitted to doctoral studies at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany
- You have a degree certificate, you have already started with the first preliminary work for your doctoral project and can present a time schedule for the implementation
- You have very good German language skills (level B2 or DSH 2).
Scholarship payments:
- two years of regular funding; an extension is possible two times at most for half a year each time
- Amount of funding: BMBF: EUR 1350 per month, plus EUR 100 research allowance; AA: EUR 1200 per month, plus EUR 100 mobility allowance and, if applicable, individual benefits
- both scholarships allow for continued funding during temporary stays abroad
Hans Böckler Foundation
The Hans Böckler Foundation supports doctoral candidates of all disciplines who are particularly academically qualified and committed to trade unions or socio-political issues. This scholarship is not explicitly aimed at international doctoral candidates, which is why you should ask whether you are eligible for the scholarship before applying.
- You are admitted to doctoral studies at a state or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany
- You are not older than 40 years
- You have successfully completed a degree that entitles you to doctoral studies
- Your doctoral project should be socio-politically relevant.
Scholarship payments:
- EUR 1450 per month
- if applicable, allowances for health insurance, family benefit and child allowance
1. Internal funding
Funding for stays of visiting researchers
Researchers at the University of Vechta can invite visiting researchers from abroad for stays of up to three months and receive financial support from the university for this, provided that the exchange has clear advantages for research and/or the promotion of junior researchers. Since this is internal funding, the application has to be submitted by a researcher of the University of Vechta. If you are an international researcher and you are already in contact with someone at the University of Vechta, this is a good opportunity for you to intensify this contact. However, you cannot submit the application yourself; it has to be submitted by your contact person at the University of Vechta.
The application must include the following:
- information on the academic reputation of the invited person;
- resulting advantages for research/promotion of junior researchers at the University of Vechta;
- length of the stay and planned activities;
- which funds are needed for how long and for which purposes.
Funding conditions:
- It must be clarified with the International Office in advance whether funding is possible from internal or external sources;
- A report has to be submitted at the end of the funded stay;
- The maximum funding amount is EUR 1500 per month for a maximum of three months (for shorter stays up to EUR 500€ per week; for stays of less than one week up to EUR 500).
2. External funding
DAAD research stays for international lecturers and researchers
The DAAD supports international researchers who would like to visit a German university for a short research stay in order to exchange and network with colleagues. Lecturers and qualified researchers (usually with a doctoral degree) who work at a university in their home country are eligible to apply for this funding programme. Depending on the home country, different requirements and application procedures apply. Please visit the website of the DAAD for further information.
General Funding conditions:
- The duration of the scholarship can range from one to three months and the scholarship cannot be extended.
- The monthly scholarship rates are EUR 2,000 for assistants, assistant professors and lecturers, EUR 2,150 for professors. A travel grant is provided if the costs are not covered by the home institution.
- Funding can only be applied for once every three years.
DAAD bilateral exchange of academics
If you are interested in staying in Vechta as an international visiting researcher and already know a researcher at the University of Vechta, the bilateral exchange of academics might be a good funding opportunity. For this exchange, a researcher from Vechta will come to your home university for a certain period of time and you will come to the University of Vechta in turn.
Applications are open to international academics who hold a doctoral degree, are employed at a university or research institute in their home country, can demonstrate good academic achievements and, if applicable, publications and a well-planned research project.
Funding conditions:
- At the same time, a German researcher applies for a research stay in the partner country.
- The stay has to last at least 14 days (7 days in exceptional cases) and can last up to a maximum of 3 months. The duration of funding is determined by a selection committee.
- The scholarship cannot be extended.
- The scholarship supports assistants, assistant professors and lecturers with EUR 2,000 per month and professors with EUR 2,150 per month.
- The costs for the outward and return trip are borne by the respective sending country, unless otherwise agreed upon in the bilateral agreement.
Further information can also be found on the website Research in Germany.
Research Grants/Short-Term Grants
You are about to start your PhD, are already pursuing a PhD or have already obtained it and you would like to research in Germany? The DAAD supports research projects of excellent PhD students and of early career researchers that would like to come to Germany for a short research stay.
Funding conditions:
- You haven't started your PhD programme more than three years ago or you haven't graduated more than four years ago
- You have a convincing, well-planned research project, which is overseen by an academic supervisor in Germany
- The funding can last from a minimum of one to a maximum of six months
- The funding cannot be extended
- The monthly scholarship rates amount to EUR 861 for masters graduates and EUR 1,200 for PhD students and postdocs, plus the social security benefits for health, accident and third party liability insurance, as well as a travel grant
Georg Forster Support Scholarship for postdocs and experienced researchers
Early-career as well as experienced researchers may, together with an academic host of their choice, carry out a research project in Germany and apply for a Georg Forster scholarship.
Funding conditions:
- The research project investigates questions that are of particular relevance for the future development of the applying researcher's country or region of origin.
If you are a postdoc, you need to have:
- citizenship, main residence and workplace in a developing or emerging country (excluding the People's Republic of China and India)
- an excellent PhD or comparable degree (obtained less than four years ago)
- publications
- good German or English language skills
If you you are an experienced researcher, you need to have:
- citizenship, main residence and workplace in a developing or emerging country (excluding the People's Republic of China and India)
- excellent qualifications and a PhD or comparable degree (obtained less than 12 years ago)
- You have a clearly defined research profile with publications
- you have several years of research experience
- you have good German or English language skill
Funding conditions:
- The monthly scholarship rates amount to EUR 2,650 for postdocs and to EUR 3,150 for experienced researchers, plus language course, travel expenses, family allowance, comprehensive alumni-sponsoring and coverage of research expenses for the hosting institution
- The funding can last from two to 24 months (postdocs) and from 6 to 18 months (experienced researchers; this can be divided into three different stays)
Humboldt-research scholarships for postdocs
You would like to carry out a long-term research project in Germany? As an early-career researcher, you can apply for a Humboldt research scholarship together with an academic host in Germany of your choice.
Funding conditions:
- You have an excellent PhD or a comparable degree, which you obtained less than four years ago
- You have lived outside of Germany for a minimum of 12 months in the 18-month period prior to submission of the application
- You already have academic publications
- You have good German or English language skills
- The scholarship may last from six to 24 months
- The monthly scholarship rates amount to EUR 2,670, plus language course, travel costs, family allowance, comprehensive alumni-sponsoring and coverage of research costs for the host institution
Humboldt research scholarship for experienced researchers
You are already an experienced researcher and you would like to come for a research stay to Germany? The Humboldt research scholarship supports highly qualified researchers that would like to work together with a German academic host at a long-term research project.
Funding conditions:
- You do not work and live in Germany,
- You have excellent qualifications and a PhD degree or a comparable academic degree, which has been obtained less than 12 years ago
- You have a clearly defined research profile with numerous publications
- You have several year experience in carrying out research autonomously
- You have good English or German language skills
- Duration of the scholarship: six to 18 months, which you can divide in max. three blocks, for a maximum of three years
- Scholarship monthly rates: EUR 3,170, plus language course, travel expenses, family allowance, comprehensive alumni-sponsoring and coverage of research costs for the host institution
DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME)
Do you plan a career in Germany in the long term? The DAAD funding programme PRIME supports international postdocs to combine a fixed-term position at a German university with research stays abroad. They are employed at a German university for 18 months. During this time, they spend 12 months abroad carrying out their research and then six months back in Germany, during which they will be integrated in the German university.
Funding conditions:
- You have excellent qualifications,
- A convincing research project with a long-term career plan in Germany and
- A research plan approved by both host institutions.
- You receive an employment contract at a German university for the whole duration of the funding (18 months) with a salary following the German wage agreements, plus an expatriate allowance of about EUR 1,000-2,000 per month during the research stay, as well as coverage of travel costs.
1. Internal funding
Funding for stays of visiting researchers
Researchers at the University of Vechta can invite visiting researchers from abroad for stays of up to three months and receive financial support from the university for this, provided that the exchange has clear advantages for research and/or the promotion of junior researchers. The host from the University of Vechta has to submit the application to the Commission for Research and Support of Junior Researchers (KFN).
The application must include the following:
- information on the academic reputation of the invited person;
- resulting advantages for research/promotion of junior researchers at the University of Vechta;
- length of the stay and planned activities;
- which funds are needed for how long and for which purpose.
Funding conditions:
- It must be clarified with the International Office in advance whether funding is possible from internal or external sources;
- A report has to be submitted at the end of the funded stay;
- The maximum funding amount is EUR 1500 per month for a maximum of three months (for shorter stays up to EUR 500€ per week; for stays of less than one week up to EUR 500).
2. External funding
DAAD research stays for international lecturers and researchers
The DAAD supports international researchers who would like to visit a German university for a (short) research stay in order to exchange and network with colleagues. However, your international colleagues who are interested in a stay at the University of Vechta have to directly apply for these funds. You, as the host, cannot apply yourself, but you can inform your international colleagues of this possibility and support their application.
Lecturers and qualified researchers (usually with a doctoral degree) working at a university in their home country are eligible to apply for this funding programme. Depending on the home country, different requirements and application procedures apply. You can find further information on the DAAD website.
General funding conditions:
- The duration of the scholarship can range from one to three months and the scholarship cannot be extended.
- The monthly scholarship rates are EUR 2,000 for assistants, assistant professors and lecturers, EUR 2,150 for professors. A travel grant is provided if the costs are not covered by the home institution.
- Funding can only be applied for once in three years.
DAAD Bilateral Exchange of Academics
You know an international researcher and would like to promote your international relations? A Bilateral Exchange of Academics might be a good opportunity for you. In this exchange programme, you or another German researcher will travel to the partner university and an international researcher from this university will come to the University of Vechta in return. You and the international researcher have to apply for the DAAD programme at the same time.
Applications are open to international academics who hold a doctoral degree, are employed at a university or research institute in their home country, can demonstrate good academic achievements and, if applicable, publications and a well-planned research project.
Funding conditions:
- The German and the international researcher need to have a doctoral degree, be able to demonstrate good academic achievements, as well as publications (if applicable).
- and a well planned research project.
- The stay has to last at least 14 days (7 days in exceptional cases) and can last up to a maximum of 3 months. The duration of the stay is determined by a selection committee.
- The scholarship cannot be extended.
- The scholarship supports assistants, assistant professors and lecturers with EUR 2,000 per month and professors with EUR 2,150 per month.
- The costs for the outward and return trip are borne by the respective sending country, unless otherwise agreed upon in the bilateral agreement.
If you are interested in funding opportunities for a guest stay at a university abroad, please visit the International Office page on funding for stays abroad for researchers.