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Shopping in Vechta

On this page you will find information on where to buy food, furniture and clothes in Vechta.

In Vechta, you have several shopping options. From the University you can reach several supermarkets on foot.

Buying food

In Germany, we distinguish between discounts, which are cheaper but offer a smaller array of products, and supermarkets, which are a bit more expensive, but offer a broader array of different options. In Vechta, there are numerous supermarkets. Should you not be able to locate one close to your apartment, please get in touch with us. Close to the city centre you can also find some international supermarkets, e.g. some Turkish and Asian supermarkets in the Burgstraße. Here, you can get a broad choice of international products. Moreover, you can find other international shops throughout the city.

In Vechta you can also find a Reformhaus (in the Große Straße) and a Bioladen (organic shop) in the Falkenrotter Straße. In these special shops, you can find organic, natural foods and cosmetics, as well as special food products for people with allergies/intollerances. These are usually available also in big supermarkets, but with a more limited choice.

In Germany, there are several symbols and denominations to distinguish certain kinds of foods and their origin:

"Bio Siegel" (organic seal): indicates that the food product is the result of organic farming/agriculture. This means that during the production, certain standards must be met. You can find a broad choice of organic foods in normal supermarkets, Discounts, Reformhauses or in organic shops.

"Haltungskompass": this is an indicator you can find on meat sold in supermarkets, which indicates the way animals are treated. The level 1 ("Stufe 1") indicates that animals are kept in stalls, the highest level ("Stufe 4") indicates very good quality or organic farming. Since the Haltungkompass is quite new, it is not yet to be found in every supermarket.

"Laktosefrei" (Lactose free): Lactose free food products are marked with the word "Laktosefrei". You can find these products in all big supermarkets, in discounts or in Reformhauses/organic shops.

"Glutenfrei" (gluten free): gluten free food products are marked with the word "Glutenfrei" and often also display the seal of the German Celiac Association (Deutsche Zöliakie Gesellschaft): the barred wheat spike. You can find gluten free products in all big supermarkets (they are usually held together in a gluten-free section), discounts or Reformhauses/organic shops.

→ If you have an allergy and need specific information on special products, we will be happy to help you. 

Buying furniture

Vechta offers an array of shops where you can buy furniture. If you wish to buy new furniture, you can go to one of the furniture stores available in Vechta. If you need more information, we will be happy to assist you in finding an appropriate store. If you prefer to buy used furniture, you can take a look at Ebay KleinanzeigenSchwarzes Brett in Stud IP, or flee market groups in Facebook.

Moreover, you can often find notice boards hanging in big stores or even at the university with messages of people selling used furniture. If you buy used furniture, you will generally have to pick it up and transport it yourself. Finally, in Lohne, a small town 7km far from Vechta (next stop with the regional train RS58 to Osnabrück), you will also find a big used furniture store. If you need more information, please get in touch with us at the Welcome Centre.

Buying clothes

You can buy clothes in various parts of town, for instance in several shops in the Große Straße. If you prefer to buy used clothes, you can do so in two shops in Vechta (for more information, please contact us). Of course, you can find used clothes also online, for instance at the portal Ebay Kleinanzeigen, in some Facebook groups or on Stud IP (Schwarzes Brett).

For any other questions or if you need help finding specific products in Vechta, please contact us. We will be happy to help you!