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International Office
The International Office coordinates the international activities of the University of Vechta.

VIP: Vechta International Mentoring Programme (VIP)

The mentoring programme VIP (Vechta International Mentoring Programme) aims to facilitate the arrival and orientation of international exchange students in Vechta and at the university by providing them with a personal mentor. For Vechta students and exchange students, the programme offers the opportunity to make new contacts and gain intercultural experience.

The mentors have to already study at the University of Vechta for at least one semester. They are individual contact persons for questions, challenges or problems. They help to reduce the initial culture shock and teach international exchange students about life and culture in Germany from their point of view. Joint activities may also be part of the programme.

Further information and registration

You are an international exchange student and would like support with your arrival and orientation in Vechta? You would like to have an individual contact person and contact to Vechta students? Then register for the VIP Mentoring Programme: To do so, please fill in the registration form and send it to

We are always looking for student mentors who enjoy intercultural exchange to accompany and support international exchange students. A description of the activities can be found in the VIP guideline (in German:VIP-Leitfaden).

We will issue a certificate of your voluntary commitment for the mentoring activity. In addition, you can have your commitment credited as a module for the Certificate of Intercultural Competence.

To register, please send the completed registration form to