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Coming to Vechta
Studies, research, short-term stay: We support you on your way to the University of Vechta and during your stay or studies.

Child care

 If you are planning to come to Vechta with your children and you already know that you will be needing child care support, please get in touch with us as early as possible to discuss child care options. But even if you have already arrived in Vechta, we can help you by making an appointment at the department "Familiengerechte Hochschule."

The University of Vechta is since 2013 a "Familiengerechte Hochschule", i.e. it takes responsibility for the work-family balance of its employees and students by taking measures to ensure the compatibility of family life with student and work life. For more information on the Familiengerechte Hochschule and its offers, please check out its website.

International researchers that are matriculated at the University of Vechta (for instance international PhD students) may receive support for child care. Namely, there is the option  for students and employees of the University of Vechta of applying for a place in the day care facility "Spatzennest" (Driverstraße 37, 49377 Vechta) for children aged 10 months to 3 years.

The following conditions apply:

  • child care is available from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm
  • the service must be used for at least 10 hours a week (but it can be organized flexibly)
  • the service should be used also during the semester breaks at least twice per week

This service is available also for those international researchers that are employed at the University of Vechta. Since there is a limited number of free spots only, a place in the day care facility cannot be guaranteed.

Another option offered by the Familiengerechte Hochschule is the Babysitter pool available on StudIP, where researchers (and students) may recruit babysitters for their children. Even if you have no access to StudIP, we can put you in touch with the Familiengerechte Hochschule (Ms. Susanne Donnerbauer) to place an ad for a babysitter on StudIP, or to consider other options. The babysitters on StudIP do not have a contract with the University of Vechta. The University therefore bears no responsibility for their behaviour.  

During the school breaks, the Familiengerechte Hochschule organises a holiday programme for children of students and employees of the University. If you are interested in the holiday programme, please get in touch with us at the Welcome Centre and we will forward your interest to the Familiengerechte Hochschule. The next holiday programme is planned for the fall break of 2020 (12th- 16th October, 2020). 

You can find more information on the child care options of the University of Vechta directly on the website of the Familiengerechte Hochschule.


Obligatory measles vaccine 

Since March 1st, 2020, parents are required to vaccine their children that are attending school against measles. The vaccine certificate must be shown at the beginning of the school period. This newly introduced rule is motivated by the high infectiousness of the disease, which can have long term consequences for the health of infected people. Purpose of this law is therefore to protect all children in schools and kindergardens from this disease. You can find more information on the website of the German ministry of health.