Wissenschaftliche Qualifizierung (auf Englisch): "Field Experiments"
Masterstudierende und Promovierende
Inhalte und Ziele
Studies with random assignment of participants to different treatment groups are becoming ever more relevant in economics and other social sciences. While laboratory experiments allow for clean hypothesis testing and identifications of causal effects, field experiments allow researchers to study people in their natural environment and to administer economic treatments at scale to a non‐student population. Good field experiments identify which pieces of information and contextual factors people use and ignore in deciding wheher to take certain actions (buy goods, hedge risks, give to charity etc.) and how they interact in groups or markets. The results help to design effective decision contexts that enable people to make individually optimal choices and/or improve the coordination towards socially desirable objectives such as reducing pollution or inequality.
In this course participants learn how to design field experiments, how good designs relate to (economic) theory and policy, what to pay attention to in the execution phase, and how to analyze the generated data. Participants have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research projects at any stage (i.e. just research design, preliminary data analysis or a full draft).
Prof. Dr. Adriaan R. Soetevent (University of Groningen)
Ort: Universität Vechta, Raum T 308
Teilnehmendenzahl: Ca. 10
Anmeldung: Bis einschließlich 31.05.2024 per E-Mail an Prof. Dr. Gerald Eisenkopf (gerald.eisenkopf@uni-vechta.de)
(Beschäftigte der Universität Vechta setzen bitte den*die Vorgesetzte*n zur Kenntnisnahme in Cc)