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Das Gebäude in der Bahnhofstraße 57 in Cloppenburg, in dem sich der Science Shop befindet.

Science Shop Vechta/ Cloppenburg - Science Communication and Participatory Projects. An English-language presentation for International Week

Beginn: 12.06.2024, 14:30 Uhr
Ende: 12.06.2024, 16:00 Uhr

International Week 2024

You can expect an introduction to science shops in general, our local science shop in Cloppenburg and various practical examples from local to european projects.

Language: English
Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Time: 14:30 - 16:00
Place: Driverstr. 25, room R036
Registration: katrin.hedemann@uni-vechta.de

Follow this link to find the full program for the International Week 2024
